Possibly without realising, we have become very used to an unusual access to food. The challenging days of ‘hunting and gathering’ have been replaced with pushing a trolley around the supermarket – shelves fully stocked with pretty much whatever ingredients we require. They may be locally grown or have travelled from the other side of the world, in season or out of season – we’re used to the privilege of popping them into the trolley. We’re enticed to purchase more with regular ‘specials’ and discounted prices. And of course if you don’t want to put a foot into the supermarket you can select and purchase it all with your fingers, often for delivery the following day.
We’ve also become used to the options when we don’t feel like cooking – takeaways, cheap eats, dial ins and meal deliveries. Plus a bottle of wine or flavoured beverage can often be delivered at the same time. This has become an acceptable normal in our lives.
Along with this easy access to foods, our days have become cluttered with the tasks of juggling work hours, family requirements, social life and domestic chores. We’re often so caught up in our busy lifestyles that exercise and physical movement has become a low priority. By the time dinner is over and the kitchen tidied the temptation of sitting on a comfortable couch, possibly snacking on energy dense foods can be an appealing option. Long gone are the days of chopping firewood and scrubbing shirt collars in the evening!
But Covid-19 has abruptly changed all this…
In a matter of weeks we have completely different access to food. Trips to the supermarket are shorter and for essentials. Some items aren’t available or in short supply and we may see more of this with imported products. Now all our meals are prepared at home and we know exactly the ingredients we’ve used – no more hidden fats and upsized portions! We now have an increased awareness of the quality of our food as we try to work out how this ruthless virus travels!
Hunkering down in our own kitchens is like being dropped into an enforced health farm. Quick trips out to buy only what we need, no bought in meals, no takeaway coffees with the temptation of an oversized muffin, after work drinks don’t exist at the moment plus the exercise that’s readily available to all of us over Lockdown is walking – which happens to be a standout exercise for appetite control and fat loss.
Let’s use this as an opportunity to come out of Lockdown in better shape than ever – not only will we be an example on the world stage on how to manage Covid-19, but we’ll have improved control on blood sugars, cholesterol levels and blood pressure!