580 Remuera Road, Remuera, Auckland
09 522 1776


“I’m not hungry at breakfast so I don’t have it!”

Breakfast is the meal that will set you up with good appetite control for the rest of the day. It’s the meal that is most likely to determine the path your weight will take over your lifetime.

When you miss breakfast your appetite increases as the day goes on and it becomes easy to overeat from 4.00pm onwards.  In fact studies confirm you will eat the kilojoules of the missed breakfast and more over the following 24 hours. Waking up with an appetite for breakfast is a strong indication you are on the right track with weight control.

Make good choices that include:

  • a carbohydrate such as cereal, fruit or toast
  • protein such as yoghurt, eggs, low fat cheese or lean sliced meat
  • high fibre options such as grain breads and high fibre cereals for longer lasting fullness

Remember too that actions speak louder than words to our young ones. It’s a great example for all members of the family to see breakfast is part of a normal morning routine.